Psalm 92
1 A Psalm. A Song for the day of Shabbat
2 It is good to praise THE ONE WHO RENEWS and sing praises to Your name, Most High
3 to declare Your chesed in the morning and to declare Your faithfulness in the night
4 in addition to the ten-string and together with the harp the resounding music soars with the lyre
5 Because You, THE ONE WHO RENEWS have made me glad by Your creation. At the formation completed with Your hands, i sing for joy.
6 How tremendous Your creation RENEWER? How deeply rooted are Your thoughts!
7 The unreceptive one does not know this and the foolish one cannot understand this.
8 Yet the wicked sprout like weeds and evildoers thrive only to be chopped down forever.
9 And You, THE ONE WHO RENEWS, are on high forever.
10 Because withering are Your enemies, RENEWER, because decaying are your enemies! For your antagonists will perish and makers of evil will be scattered.
11 You have exalted my horn like a wild ox, i was lavished with lively, luxuriant oil
12 my eyes have seen with my own careful regard those who stand against me, my ears have heard the doers of evil
13 The righteous will sprout like the palm tree but will grow like a cedar in Lebanon
14 They are planted in the house of THE ONE WHO RENEWS. In the courtyard of our Renewer they will bud, blossom, and bloom
15 Still they will bear fruit, even aged with grey hair, they will be fat and fresh and flourishing
16 To declare the RENEWER is right, My Rock, in whom there is no wrong.
*The Holy Name is rendered in relationship to renewal throughout and is marked with the use of capital letters.
*Palm trees are hard to grow but cedars once started are easy. The righteous don’t come around all that often is what this means.
© translation puckmaren glass 2020
1 A Psalm. A Song for the day of Shabbat
2 It is good to praise THE ONE WHO RENEWS and sing praises to Your name, Most High
3 to declare Your chesed in the morning and to declare Your faithfulness in the night
4 in addition to the ten-string and together with the harp the resounding music soars with the lyre
5 Because You, THE ONE WHO RENEWS have made me glad by Your creation. At the formation completed with Your hands, i sing for joy.
6 How tremendous Your creation RENEWER? How deeply rooted are Your thoughts!
7 The unreceptive one does not know this and the foolish one cannot understand this.
8 Yet the wicked sprout like weeds and evildoers thrive only to be chopped down forever.
9 And You, THE ONE WHO RENEWS, are on high forever.
10 Because withering are Your enemies, RENEWER, because decaying are your enemies! For your antagonists will perish and makers of evil will be scattered.
11 You have exalted my horn like a wild ox, i was lavished with lively, luxuriant oil
12 my eyes have seen with my own careful regard those who stand against me, my ears have heard the doers of evil
13 The righteous will sprout like the palm tree but will grow like a cedar in Lebanon
14 They are planted in the house of THE ONE WHO RENEWS. In the courtyard of our Renewer they will bud, blossom, and bloom
15 Still they will bear fruit, even aged with grey hair, they will be fat and fresh and flourishing
16 To declare the RENEWER is right, My Rock, in whom there is no wrong.
*The Holy Name is rendered in relationship to renewal throughout and is marked with the use of capital letters.
*Palm trees are hard to grow but cedars once started are easy. The righteous don’t come around all that often is what this means.
© translation puckmaren glass 2020